Have you ever felt alone in the world, like no one understands you?
Do you have aspects of you that only get revealed to certain people?
Would you like to feel safe in the world when you show up as your authentic self?
Would you like some tools to use during this holiday season to de-escalate emotional triggers?
In this collaborative, hands-on workshop, we will practice tools you can use to bring clarity and definition to your inner world, which will enable you to show up strong, confident, authentic, and peaceful this holiday season.
We will look at what might be constraining your own flow of authenticity, so that you can show up as the powerful authentic human you are already are. This workshop begins the creation of a portal into your magical inner sanctum.
Space limited to 20 people.
How to get to our location:
IVY is located at 913 Bowman Rd at the Johnnie Dodds Blvd/Bowman Rd intersection. We are a suite in a collection of white buildings with green roofs on the Arby’s side of the intersection, not the hospital side!
There is no direct access off Bowman Rd-- you will need to turn at the light onto Johnnie Dodds Blvd and then take your first right into our parking lot.
When you turn into the lot, we are the building straight ahead—look for the IVY sign to the right of the door! Suite 102.
If you have any questions about how to get to IVY or the event in general, feel free to call or text us at 843-352-2571!