healing of 100
6:30 pm
There’s something greater happening beyond what our minds can conceive. We want you to feel it.The Healing of 100 is not just an event—it’s a moment to step into the unknown, to connect with Source Intelligence, and to remember that there is something real, something magical, that supports you.
This isn’t about having a particular experience or seeking synchronicities. It’s about tuning into something far deeper—a force that holds us all, beyond words.Our mission is to open the space, to ask Source to reveal itself, and to tune into what each soul in the room truly needs. This is your opportunity to feel that connection, to remember that you are part of something so much bigger than yourself.
We never know exactly what will show up at these healings, but we do know it will be exactly what we need, collectively, in that moment. We will step beyond the beyond, and together, we will sense what is possible when we open ourselves to Source.
WHy Attend?
If you’re feeling called to experience something different from the norm, step out of your comfort zone, play in the quantum, and be witnessed by an incredible community of like-minded souls—this is an event you don’t want to miss. Expect to encounter new teachings and ideas that will introduce you to a whole new world. Our mission is to help people expand beyond their previous experiences, creating a space where their bodies feel safe to explore and reach new levels of embodied consciousness within a supportive community.
Join us for this group
breath & energetic experience
with Dr. Kate Glebocki
The Healing of 100 is an unparalleled journey into the limitless—where your potential knows no bounds.
Are you hungry for more in your life? More joy, more opportunities, more energy, more expansion?
Our mission at IVY is to help people expand beyond what they've experienced and felt before, allowing their bodies to feel safe to explore and reach new levels of embodied consciousness in community.
The intention for this event is that it will change the trajectory of your life. We want you to walk out a different person than when you came in.
elevate your energy
We’re now committing to bringing you these events every other moth, attend as many as you can for a consistent energy tune-up!