Network Spinal

NetworkSpinal Technology

How does it work?

NetworkSpinal taps into a unique strategy of healing that no other healthcare modality can called the Network Wave. This is your body’s secret healing strategy, one that is currently being studied by quantum mathematicians at several universities.

The Network Wave is the second “Central Pattern Generator” known to man. Our body only has one other Central Pattern Generator, and that is our gait (the way we walk). Similarly, your Network Wave is unique to YOU.

When this Wave moves through your spine, it reorganizes your body’s master control system (your central nervous system), and brings it to a higher level of function. As the Wave moves up and down your spine, it suspends the noise and defense strategies that distract you from your core nature. This in turn allows for healing to spread throughout the rest of your body. In this way, the Wave is a force for change and a force for healing.

Research demonstrates that when people begin to experience the Network Wave, they begin to make healthier choices. 90% of people who experienced NetworkSpinal care reported an increase in

  • physical well-being

  • emotional and psychological well-being

  • life enjoyment

  • and overall quality of life.  

Somato Respiratory Integration

SRI is an advanced breathing strategy that helps you to connect with disengaged areas of your body. As you bring attention and awareness to areas of dis-connection, tension, or pain, you are able to shift them into areas of connection and ease. As areas shift from dis-ease to ease, you accelerate the process of healing. These strategies are designed to assist you throughout your journey of NetworkSpinal care.


Release Old Trauma

Turn stored energy in your system into free energy available for growth and change.

Write New Stories

Suspend the old stories and limiting beliefs and let your nervous system re-write new ones.

Experience Greater Connection

Your nervous system is how you download, process, and adapt to Universal forces. When your nervous system is free of interference, your ability to interact with Universal Intelligence expands exponentially.